Wednesday, August 25, 2010

in my dreams

in my dreams i am a mother
in my dreams i am alone
i have no mother
i search in vain for pathways
burnt lines on olive skin
take my first steps
white teeth in  my peripheral vision

in my dreams i am a mother
in my dreams i am alone
i search in vain for a familiar voice
a voice that knows my face by heart
speak my first words
someone laughs, casting light in my direction

in my dreams i am alone
i have no mother
my books are empty pages
chewed at the corners
my face is never clean

in my dreams i am alone
a shiny, opulent version of myself
mouth open, but i have learned no words
i am a mother
a ghost
always looking
watching no one watching me

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

almost love

You saw my higher self, bumbling through the darkness in a cowboy hat
I saw yours
Filling up water bottles in a bathroom stall while I waited beside the forest, hiding from the light that catches your eyes
Eyes catching me
That light loves the nighttime and I recognized your face
The face of someone who loves me, and has loved me since the beginning of time
And so now
I lie in that same darkness, heart beating alongside yours
to the pulse of artificial sunshine that beats it's way through the door
open a crack because we are both afraid

Only it's leaving slowly
and I have never known this same peace

You and I will make something beautiful together
Two broken spirits, resurrected